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Welcome to PostScript Living

In 2017, retirement — and honestly aging — seemed far away for both my husband and me. 

Ironically, we were 66 and 58. Clearly optimists. To be fair, we'd just been married the year before after dating for 10 years. So we were NEWLYWED optimists.

Nonetheless, we kept chatting about this thing ... this content ... something different from the pablum those 55+ are usually served up about financial services and pre-planned funerals. We were thinking travel, food, technology with a side of grand parenting and healthy aging. Thus PostScript Living was launched. At first, I spent quite a bit of time gathering content, brainstorming, writing; posting to social media. But "real life" got in the way.

Then the pandemic ... and my husband's retirement in 2021. After a 2016 diagnosis of Parkinson's, it became clear that his days of long roadtrips and miles of hoofing it through school hallways and gymnasiums were coming to an end. 

Retirement, aging and navigating a chronic illness became part of daily living. I am still working, heading up a small marketing firm in Central Indiana. But a good deal of time is dedicated to the aforementioned. Being a life-long writer and communications professional, I believe we have a lot to share, and, hopefully, a lot to learn from others out there in the same space. 

Yes, we will serve up our favorite topics with a bit of pithy snark. We'll share the best tips, hacks and gadgets for our aging peers. We'll share insights from some inspiring folks. And we'll get real with this damned Parkinson's.